Kelly Don Hollis
I wonder if you knew...
I wonder if you knew
how much we all loved you
I wonder if you knew
how your smile lit up the room
(without it you looked kind of mean)
I wonder if you knew
just how talented you were
not to mention: intelligent, generous, hilariously funny and sarcastic, the list goes on and on
I wonder if you knew
people thought you were amazing
I wonder if you could ever believe that of yourself
You set the bar so high
I wonder if you realized
that those nieces and nephews that you loved so much
adored you in return
I wonder if you knew
how proud we were of you
of all you had accomplished,
of all you'd overcome
I wonder if you knew
you were sick
and that if only you had called...any one of us would have driven all night
just to be by your side
We would have held your hand
We would have held you close
We would have tried to help
You wouldn't have been alone
I wonder if you had any idea
how many tears we'd cry
I wonder if you knewyour absence would leave
such an incredible void
I wonder if you knew
our hearts would break without you
I wonder if you knew
God loved you no matter what
I wonder if I had seen you at Christmas
if this would hurt any less
I wonder if I would have been brave enough to ask you
about your deepest thoughts and fears
Would you have answered? or given me that look?
Would I have been able
to talk about God?
and make sure that you understood He loves you
even more than we ever could
and that He has prepared a place for you
and you'll never hurt again?
Oh Kelly, I wonder if you knew...